The Fund provides benefits for one eye exam and lens(es) per calendar year. The Plan’s fee schedule is as follows:
- Eye exam ($20)
- Lenses ($50)
The Fund presently has an arrangement with three vision care networks; General Vision Services (“GVS”), Comprehensive Professional Systems (CPS) and Vision Screening that have agreed to accept the Fund’s fee schedule for the selected eye care as payment in full. There is no out-of-pocket expense provided the lenses and frames you select are within the variety of lenses and frames offered under the Fund. Please call the Fund Office or click on the vision care network links above for lists of participating GVS, CPS and Vision Screening locations and phone numbers to call to schedule an appointment.
To submit vision claims, you must complete and return the appropriate form to the Fund Office:
Lasik Surgery
Davis Vision is a participating vendor for Lasik surgery only. The Fund allows $1,000 per eye for Lasik surgery. You may contact Davis Vision directly at 855-502-2020 or log onto Once logged onto the Davis Vision website the client code for Local 94 Health and Benefit Fund is 7084. Learn more.
You may also obtain Laser Vision correction services from any non-participating provider you choose.
If you choose a non-participating provider, you will be responsible for paying any cost beyond the Health and Benefit Fund’s maximum allowance of $1,000 per eye for Laser Vision correction surgery.
In order to receive payment for a non-network provider you must complete a hospital and medical benefits claim form and submit the claim directly to the hospital and medical benefits carrier.
If you have to file a claim with the carrier for reimbursement, you can access the form on our Forms page. Download and fill out the form and follow the instructions on the form for submitting it, along with any relevant documents.
What is our Dental Coverage?
The Fund offers Dental Benefits coverage to all eligible participants and their eligible dependents. Sele-Dent administers all dental and orthodontia claims for the Plan. The Fund has established a Local 94 Network of Participating Providers, as well as the Sele-Dent PPO Network, where eligible participants can receive discounted dental services. For a complete list of providers and for more information about your Dental Benefits, please see the Dental Benefits section of this site.